Sunday, October 28, 2012

Former Jr. Blue Nick Townes' continuing his feel-good story comeback

Following the heart-breaking tradgedy in which former Springfield Jr. Blues' forward Nick Townes went through this past off-season, he truly is a heart-warming story that could make anybody believers in the game that we all call life.

When the 20 year-old forward from Crown Point, Indiana was diagnosed with kidney failure during training camp entering his first season for the Janesville Jets, many people and fans in the North American Hockey League (NAHL) had doubts that he would ever strap up for a competitive hockey league game ever again.

Townes himself, though, thought and believed the exact opposite.

"The doctors said that they believe the failure of my kidneys was from dehydration," said Townes in a text message. "Right now things are good. I'm playing in the MNJHL to get everything back from what I lost while I was in the hospital. Right now though, I'm getting better and I just have to keep working my way through this."

Nick, who was one of the hometown favorites here in Springfield for his short stay when he was a Jr. Blue, was put in the hospital in his home state of Minnesota on August 25th after feeling discomfort during off-season work outs for the Jets. He stayed there until August 31st. During his recovery, he lost ten pounds and gave a big-time scare to everybody that has ever seen him perform on the ice or connected to the man himself.

While he only played here in Springfield for one season, Townes was ultimately a fan favorite and had many good memories during last seasons' deep run that ended in the playoffs following defeat to the Jr. Blues' ex division-rival, the St. Louis Bandits.

"The guys on the team last season were great," he said when asked what he missed the most about playing in Springfield. "It was just an awesome feeling. Everyone was so close and we were basically just like a big family."

"But I also miss the people inside the staff from the billets to the coaches. Also, the fans in the Springy are very loyal and dedicated fans! There are great people in the city of Springfield!"

Although the numbers didn't put him among the elite, Townes' was certainly known for his hard core hustle. He was a player that may not have scored much or gotten credit for assists, but he definentely attributed to many important moments. He scored three goals during his stay in Springfield over the span of twenty games and had 26 shot attempts total.

He is a graduate of Merrillville High from his home state of Indiana. As a man that started playing the sport of hockey at the age of four years old, it's hard to imagine him not out there on the ice. Following the tradgedy that occured and the rehab he has been going through, his ultimate goal is to get back into shape and out there on the ice even better than he was before.

"My goal right now is to continue getting my strength back and work my way back into Janesville with a starting job."

Townes is officially playing for the Maple Grove Energy in the Minnesota Junior Hockey League (MNJHL), and has appeared in four games. In the four games since his return to the sport, the forward has seven points. He has scored one goal on his only shot taken and has six assists. He has finished each of the four games with at least one point a night, as he had three assists in his first game, a goal scored in his second--and finished the past weekend with two assists on Friday night and one assist on Saturday night. His team is 3-1 so far and he is impressing everyone as he seemingly has improved with the puck in his possession, his overall strength, and is on the right path to achieving his exact goals in the sport at the moment.

His return to the game of hockey is not only a feel-good story around the sport, but also an inspiration to people all around the world that miracles can happen if you stay dedicated and work hard enough. Not only do you have Springfield behind you Nick, the entire world is cheering for you to continue your come back and achieve your dream!

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